Enabling extremely high data rates of the 6G era
Strategic Research Area 2
Devices and Circuit Technology
Under the direction of Professor Aarno Pärssinen, this strategic research area delves into the core of transceiver and antenna implementations that will enable the future of communication and sensing systems. The hardware capabilities, spanning from semiconductor technologies to materials, define the physical boundaries of the devices. Elements such as data rate, precision in localisation and sensing, and enhanced capacity are closely tied to the required bandwidth and, thus, the radio frequencies used in 6G.
The exploration extends to frequencies up to 300 GHz, or even above, as focal points for the 6G enablement. Experimental research on new and innovative solutions, ranging from components to hardware architectures, will address the core technological opportunities and limitations. A thorough consideration of the mix of various hardware technologies and their maturity is essential before standardising a new generation of communications with better hardware awareness.
Devices and Circuit Technology
Research Themes
Radio platforms
New theoretical communication concepts for future radio require innovative system architectures for radio transceivers. A new equilibrium between system design, hardware architecture and signal processing technologies are needed for extremely high data rates and low latencies. Distributed operations in a wide range of frequency bands, including mm-wave and THz bands, call for novel RF transceiver architectures and integrated circuits (IC). Radio platforms bridge communications and sensing system design, providing hardware awareness and algorithms to improve and correct performance and analyze optimal solutions in RF architecture design towards implementations.

Theme Leader
Aarno Pärssinen
View bioRadio hardware
To complete theoretical concepts of future radio transceivers and system architectures derived from them, we need individual enablers to bring them into reality. These enablers range from new RF transceiver implementations to RF integrated circuits implementing key blocks like amplifiers, DSP processing of RF waveforms, antennas and other RF components, as well as packaging and materials in a wide range of frequency bands. Technological feasibility, adequate and sometimes superior performance and reconfiguration are core targets for all of these enablers in their specific domains.

Theme Leader
Timo Rahkonen
View bioExperiments and proofs of concept
Experimental research is a core part of RF and HW. Building the prototypes is not enough. Testing at mmW and THz frequencies provides new and sometimes unexpected challenges. Conductive testing is no longer possible in many cases, and over-the-air (OTA) measurements for prototyping are in the core. At frequencies above 100GHz, testing gets even more complex, and additional care and innovations are needed to test future 6G systems reliably.
Innovating extends from individual, microscopic components to complete radio systems and link-level testing. Therefore, new approaches that pursue reliable communications through highly parallel designs from the wireless path to hardware and software, including new fabrication technologies, need a lot of research as part of 6G development.

Theme Leader
Marko E. Leinonen
View bioDevices and Circuit Technology
Publication Highlights
Z. Siddiqui et al.
Dual-Band Dual-Polarized Planar Antenna for 5G Millimeter-Wave Antenna-in-Package Applications
S. P. Singh, T. Rahkonen, M. E. Leinonen and A. Parssinen
Design Aspects of Single-Ended and Differential SiGe Low-Noise Amplifiers Operating Above fmax/2in Sub-THz/THz Frequencies
A. Sethi et al.
Chip-to-Chip Interfaces for Large-Scale Highly Configurable mmWave Phased Arrays
R. Haataja, S. Myllymäki, O. Laitinen, H. Jantunen, H. Liimatainen
Controlling the cell and surface architecture of cellulose nanofiber/PVA/Ti3C2TX MXene hybrid cryogels for optimized permittivity and EMI shielding performance
K. Rasilainen, T. D. Phan, M. Berg, A. Pärssinen, and P. J. Soh
Hardware aspects of sub-THz antennas and reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for 6G communications
Devices and Circuit Technology
Solutions and Development
We have demonstrated capabilities to design amplifiers, phase shifters and other core components at 300GHz using silicon technologies and use the prototypes with on-chip antennas in OTA testbeds. Measurement capabilities with advanced techniques have been developed for communications and imaging to frequencies exceeding 300GHz. In addition, more complex system concepts for transmitter linearization, beamforming and platform calibration have been developed at lower mmW frequencies, and the lessons learned are ready to be adapted to 6G frequencies whenever it makes sense.
From individual components, research will move gradually towards a more complex and complete sub-system to be tested as part of larger 6G proofs-of-concept. Advanced RF EMC laboratory provides means to experiment from components to systems from 900 Hz up to 330 GHz and, in some cases, even beyond.
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Devices and Circuit Technology Research
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