Stochastic Geometry Analysis for Band-Limited Terahertz Band Communications
The terahertz band (0.1–10 THz) point-to-point links offer very large spectral resources for extremely high data rate links or an ability to share the resources among large numbers of users or devices. The latter case causes a need to consider interference in the THz band networks. The stochastic geometry is a powerful tool to estimate the network level interference and its moments in the case of random networks. This paper extends the previous works by considering bandwidth limited networks, i.e., instead of generic modeling of the interference, we apply bandwidth limited transmissions to better model realistic networks that utilize limited resources. Furthermore, we assume heterogenous network with some of the nodes utilizing directional antennas, and others using isotropic antennas. Network is further assumed to be sparse in a sense that the noise causes partial limitations in the achievable signal-to-noise-plus-interference (SINR). The mean interference and the SINR are derived and their validity is verified with computer simulations.