Fighting Pandemics With Augmented Reality and Smart Sensing-Based Social Distancing

In a postpandemic world, remaining vigilant and maintaining social distancing are still crucial so societies can contain the virus and the public can avoid disproportionate health impacts. Augmented reality (AR) can visually assist users in understanding the distances in social distancing. However, integrating external sensing and analysis is required for social distancing beyond the users’ local environment. We present DistAR, an android-based application for social distancing leveraging AR and smart sensing using on-device analysis of optical images and environment crowdedness from smart campus data. Our prototype is one of the first efforts to combine AR and smart sensing technologies to create a real-time social distancing application.

Cao Jacky, Mehmood Hassan, Liu Xiaoli, Tarkoma Sasu, Gilman Ekaterina, Su Xiang

A1 Journal article – refereed

J. Cao, H. Mehmood, X. Liu, S. Tarkoma, E. Gilman and X. Su, "Fighting Pandemics With Augmented Reality and Smart Sensing-Based Social Distancing," in IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 65-75, 1 Jan.-Feb. 2023, doi: 10.1109/MCG.2022.3229107