Convergent Communication, Sensing and Localization in 6G Systems
Herein, we focus on convergent 6G communication, localization and sensing systems by identifying key technology enablers, discussing their underlying challenges, implementation issues, […]
SIP for 5G and Beyond
The tutorial discusses application-specific instruction-set processors (ASIP) and their potential for the fifth generation (5G) and beyond 5G networks. ASIP is a […]
Sustainability as a challenge and driver for novel ecosystemic 6G business scenarios
Climate change, the deterioration of the environment and exceeding Earth’s carrying capacity are major threats in operating environment which require new actions […]
Analysis of HBT Vector Modulator Phase Shifters Based on Gilbert Cell for sub-THz Regimes
This paper concerns with the nonlinearity analysis and compensation of active phase shifters based on vector modulator topologies which utilize Gilbert cell […]
Predictive Control and Communication Co-Design
While remote control over wireless connections is a key enabler for scalable control systems consisting of multiple actuator-sensor pairs, i.e., control systems, […]
How Could Blockchain Transform 6G towards Open Ecosystemic Business Models?
Future 6G scenarios in 2030 envision society that will be data-driven, enabled by near-instant and unlimited wireless connectivity to intelligence. This calls […]
Technology Antecedents of the Platform-Based Ecosystemic Business Models beyond 5G
The fifth generation, 5G, mobile communications technologies are expected to transform the future wireless communications services and networks’ business models and respective […]
How could 6G Transform Engineering Platforms Towards Ecosystemic Business Models?
Developing products, services and vertical applications for the future digitized society in the 6G era requires a multidisciplinary approach and a re-imagining […]
3×3 Dipole lens antenna at 300 GHz with different permittivity lenses
In telecommunications (5G/6G) lenses can be used to manipulate the electric field emitted by an antenna. In this paper different permittivity lenses […]
Spectrum Management in the 6G Era
Spectrum management plays a key role in the deployment of new wireless technologies. Regulators in the 5G era have introduced a variety […]