
RIGOUROUS – secuRe desIGn and deplOyment of trUsthwoRthy cOntinUum computing 6G Services

The onset of 6G (sixth-generation wireless) technologies has reaffirmed the need for improved and efficient security and privacy when these technologies finally arrive. The EU-funded RIGOUROUS project aims to improve the security, privacy and trust present in both 6G and other novel computing technologies and services. To do so, it will develop an innovative smart service framework that will make software and AI parts comply with security requirements throughout their development and up to launch while detecting and stopping security breaches. The project is also researching possibilities to improve the secure and efficient automation of security management.

  • Cordis:
  • ID: 101095933
  • Project type: RIA
  • Duration: 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2025
  • Our expertise: DevSecOps, trustworthy continuum computing 6G services, AI-driven Automated Security Orchestration
  • Our role: Participant