…of c-Si/porous–Si/CdS heterojunctions prepared by electrochemical deposition and anodization, respectively, are studied. The optimal pore size (10–16 nm) is determined, which provides the maximum photoelectric conversion efficiency (7.71%) of heterojunctions….
…of ChaLearn Face Antispoofing Attack Detection Challenge@CVPR2020 [20]. Our final submission obtains 1.02±0.59% and 4.84±1.79% ACER in “Track Multi-Modal” and “Track Single-Modal (RGB)”, respectively. The codes are available at https://github.com/ZitongYu/CDCN….
…kannanotto tutkimus-, kehittämis- ja innovaatiotoiminnan (TKI) rahoitukseen, 18.4.2023 Parlamentaarinen TKI-työryhmä jätti loppuraporttinsa maaliskuussa 2023. Työryhmän työn taustalla on 1. tammikuuta 2023 voimaan tullut TKI-rahoituslaki, joka lisää valtion tutkimus-, kehittämis- ja…
…of the set-intersection that accounts for various WordNet domain knowledge and part-of-speech conversion. The fuzzy preference model imitates the fuzzy Borda voting scheme. The developed algorithms are evaluated according to…
…framework, called fragmentary multi-instance classification (FIC), the fragmentary data are completed and the multi-instance classifier is learned jointly. To facilitate the integration between the completion and classifier learning, FIC establishes…
…are still not the same. Therefore, this study investigated citizens’ motivations to participate in an online user community, and compared how these motivations differ from motivations to participate in social…
Domain wall nanoelectronics constitutes a potential paradigm shift for next‐generation energy conversion and von‐Neumann devices. In this context, attempts have been made to achieve energy‐efficient control over ferromagnetic, ferroelectric, and…
…on pen and paper, and visually assessed by a clinician. There have been successful efforts for digitizing this test on tablets. Here, we describe a smartphone-based digitized version of the…
This letter proposes a novel communication-efficient and privacy-preserving distributed machine learning framework, coined Mix2FLD. To address uplink-downlink capacity asymmetry, local model outputs are uploaded to a server in the uplink…
…improve their compliance over time. We report our findings from the study that was conducted to assess an early access version of the game, where the game was tested remotely…