6G Wireless Summit launched virtually and first edition of 6G Waves Magazine is out now
6G research is in a very exciting stage and this is the time to combine predictions of the future with research, innovation, and collaboration. The 2nd 6G Summit is underway in a virtual environment and there are many more things to come in 2020. Keep up with all things 6G with a new magazine, 6G Waves. 6G Flagship has just released the first edition of its biannual magazine.
6G Waves Magazine highlights the vision and latest achievements of 6G Flagship programme, and is a great way to get a bird’s eye view of everything that’s going on with 6G research. It serves as a recap of endeavours that have been set in motion since the Flagship kicked off and offers insights into where we are now, and where we could be in 10 years’ time.
Inside the magazine you will find greetings from Dr. Ian Oppermann, Chair of 6G Flagship Advisory Board, from Juha Ala-Mursula, Chair of Flagship Advisory Board and, of course, from professor Matti Latva-aho, Director of 6G Flagship from the University of Oulu. As Latva-aho writes in his greeting, the Flagship is running ahead at full speed, constantly looking for new collaboration opportunities to cover the most relevant and demanding areas of 6G development.
Also in the first edition of 6G Waves Magazine is a look back at the first-ever 6G Wireless Summit, which took place in March 2019 in Levi. The Summit was a major success bringing stakeholders together. One of its most significant outcomes was the first 6G White Paper, which describes challenges and proposes research questions for 6G. This white paper served as a catalyst for the writing of 12 new white papers in 2020, as 12 senior experts from 6G Flagship became leaders of new expert groups, each working on a selected key topic of 6G development.
The magazine also introduces the approach of the four strategic research areas of 6G highlighting objectives such as global connectivity and the first functioning 6G test network, which is under intense development. The magazine also has a section for news and highlights including awards, collaboration agreements, events, and doctoral graduates since the beginning of the Flagship programme in May 2018.
A very interesting section of the magazine is dedicated to Innovators in 6G. You will find, for instance, features on trustworthy mirror worlds, reliable body-centric communications and sensing, as well as secure light-based communications through biological tissues, and the people behind these topics.
As the Flagship’s work continues, 6G Waves Magazine is poised to keep you posted. As professor Matti Latva-aho says, “Let’s set our minds free!”