6G Flagship launches a new blog on next-generation wireless communication
The 6G Flagship programme will launch a new 6G Blog in January 2025 to share insights and foster discussions on the transformative potential of next-generation wireless networks. It will explore a wide range of topics, from AI-driven multimodal sensing and sustainability in 6G to wireless energy transfer and the THz era of communication.
6G research advances rapidly. The blog aims to bridge the gap between technical innovation and its broader implications, providing accessible insights in an accessible way for researchers and industry professionals.
Upcoming blog posts will discuss topics like wireless energy transfer to drive sustainability in 6G and showcase advancements like data fabrics for the Industrial Metaverse and the convergence of machine vision with communication systems. By focusing on both theoretical and practical aspects, the blog aims to encourage meaningful dialogue across disciplines.
“The blog will provide a platform for timely updates and fresh perspectives on 6G research and its societal impact,” says Professor Matti Latva-aho, 6G Flagship’s Director. “It’s a way to connect our work with a global audience and spark collaborative thinking.”
The blog starts in January 2025. It will be updated regularly at www.6gflagship.com/tag/blog/.