6G Flagship Joins AI-RAN Alliance to Drive AI-Powered 6G Networks

The University of Oulu’s 6G Flagship has joined the AI-RAN Alliance. 6G Flagship’s Director, Professor Matti Latva-aho, announced this strategic move on 19th August. Latva-aho emphasised the university’s dedication to leading AI-driven innovations in next-generation wireless networks as the world moves toward 6G technology.

The AI-RAN Alliance, established at MWC Barcelona 2024, brings together industry leaders, technology giants, and academic institutions in a collective effort to harness the potential of AI within radio access networks (RAN). The alliance focuses on three critical areas: enhancing RAN capabilities through AI (AI for RAN), integrating AI into RAN processes (AI and RAN), and deploying AI-driven services at the network edge (AI on RAN).

Each focus area plays an important role in advancing the capabilities of next-generation networks. AI for RAN aims to improve efficiency and performance, allowing networks to adapt dynamically to changing conditions. AI and RAN seeks to optimise the underlying infrastructure, making it more intelligent and responsive. Finally, AI on RAN promises to bring powerful, real-time capabilities closer to the end user, transforming how we interact with technology.

The founding members of the AI-RAN Alliance include major industry players such as Nokia, NVIDIA, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Ericsson. Their combined expertise and resources lay a strong foundation for the alliance’s ambitious goals. Now, with 6G Flagship joining the ranks, the alliance gains a significant academic and research-driven perspective, further strengthening its ability to shape the future of AI-integrated networks. 

By joining the AI-RAN Alliance, the University of Oulu is again positioning itself as an academic frontrunner in the future of global telecommunications. Today’s AI-driven research and development investments will have long-lasting impacts as 6G technology becomes a reality. These efforts will shape next-generation networks and open up new avenues for innovation and economic growth.