2nd 6G Wireless Summit 2020 Invited Presentations Published
After publishing the virtual 2nd 6G Wireless Summit 2020 keynote presentations in late March, the event organisers from the Finnish 6G Flagship programme have now published 33 invited presentations at the event website. A large share of the presentations appear either in video format or as slides with an audio track.
“The invited presentations that we have now opened for the 6G community provide intriguing experts’ views from physical layer and networking to system level and societal aspects,” says Prof. Nandana Rajatheva, Technical Programme Committee Chair of the event. “We hope to generate wide interest and discussion on highly technical topics, but also on visions, challenges and requirements for 6G. Combined, these aspects will take us closer to making 6G a reality, taking into account the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals from the start.”
6G enthousiasts should also dig into the regular papers of the 2nd 6G Wireless Summit 2020 that are now available in IEEEXplore.
The refining of a global 6G research vision, requirements and potential approaches continues with the publishing of 12 new 6G White Papers at the end of June which have been written by expert groups during the last four months as an integral part of the 2nd 6G Wireless Summit 2020.