Making a difference
6G Flagship
Impact Actions
The 6G Flagship program’s main impact actions towards the digital society of the 2030s can be divided into four categories; sustainability, verticals, global collaboration and research infrastructures.

Impact Action #1
6G-Enabled Sustainable Society
Incorporating digital eHealth and future energy systems, the 6GESS programme builds on the 6G Flagship’s technical capabilities. New technologies will make future healthcare and energy systems more democratic and efficient. They will also allow consumers and healthcare providers to create and use data-driven solutions.
Impact Action #2
Strategic Vertical Areas
Vertical applications are strongly driving the development of future communications systems. In 6G Flagship, we have selected four strategic vertical areas to focus on; Health, Industry, Automotive and Energy.
Our goal is to provide a comprehensive treatment of verticals’ requirements in the development of 5G and 6G networks.
Impact Action #3
Global 6G Collaboration
6G Flagship is a globally recognized leader in 6G research, development, and innovation and a sought project partner.
In 2022-2026, the 6G Flagship program will continue to strengthen its ground-breaking research, build new strategic partnerships, and innovate with its wide global ecosystem of more than 1,000 partners.
Impact Action #4
Research Infrastructures – 6G Test Network
The nexus of 6G Flagship programme is the rapidly evolving, open 5G Test Network (5GTN). We are developing the test network further towards more 6G flavoured capabilities.
The 6G Test Network (6GTN) will become the main co-creation and research environment for 6G with new features to facilitate product-testing capabilities for 5G and beyond markets.
For this purpose, the 6G Flagship program is creating the necessary tools and equipment to fully empower the 6GTN as the world’s first end-to-end 6G trial platform to be integrated in the future 6G Radio Park.