6G Radio
mmW Communication
We envision that 6G will enable extreme data rates towards terabits per second. The goal of this mmWave communication demonstration is to show the impact of increasing center frequency which means that the size of an antenna is decreased. As a result, we can pack more antennas in a small form factor or equivalently realize more antenna directivity and narrower beams from the same physical area compared to the lower frequencies.
In the demonstration, we illustrate two different beamforming techniques in practice. With beamforming, we can transmit energy only to those directions that are required and can receive energy only from those directions that are useful. Thus, beamforming helps to serve multiple users at the same time and at the same frequency and allows us to create multiple parallel links between the transmitter and receiver.
The set up includes a 28-gigahertz link in an antenna chamber. The radio transceivers are designed at the University of Oulu, and the transceivers shown are our key tools in our current experimental RF research.
This mmWave Communication Demo is part of the 6G Demo Series showcasing 6G Flagship program’s 6G innovation.
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Nuutti Tervo
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The 6G Flagship demonstrations showcase program’s 6G innovation in four domains – 6G radio, 6G optical communication, 6G edge and 6G verticals.