The NVIDIA AI Technology Center (NVAITC) EMEA team visited the 6G Flagship at the University of Oulu on October 7th.

NVIDIA Visits 6G Flagship

The NVIDIA AI Technology Center (NVAITC) EMEA team visited the 6G Flagship at the University of Oulu on October 7th. Their visit focused on distributed intelligence in 6G.

The day began with an interactive seminar, “Accelerating Python in MultiGPU with CUDA,” led by NVIDIA’s Niki Loppi. Over 50 researchers and students participated. They explored NVIDIA’s solutions for multi-GPU computing, which is critical for handling the data-intensive nature of 6G.

During a lively discussion over a joint lunch, Ari Pouttu, Vice Director of 6G Flagship, emphasised NVIDIA’s role in 6G research, stating, “NVIDIA tools will be part of our 5G/6G test networks. They’ll be for wide use in research that needs to utilise realistic networks.” The collaboration aims to integrate NVIDIA’s technology to enhance the 6G test environments. It’s clear that NVIDIA’s importance to the 6G Flagship is on the rise.

In the afternoon, the visit continued with a “speed-dating” session. This allowed Principal Investigators (PIs) from 6G Flagship to present their projects to the NVAITC team. 

Miguel Bordallo, lead of the Distributed Intelligence research area, and Frédéric Parienté from NVIDIA agreed that AI-driven large-scale simulations are crucial for the future of wireless communications. “Large-scale simulations are key to understanding and optimising the complex dynamics of 6G networks,” said Miguel Bordallo. Niki Loppi added, “6G research has special needs and particularities that can be addressed by NVIDIA tools and teams.” NVIDIA’s tools are ready to meet the needs of 6G’s computational demands.

The visit ended with NVAITC engaging with potential internship candidates. NVIDIA discussed opportunities for hands-on projects, demonstrating their commitment to fostering new talent in 6G research. The day was a concrete step forward in the collaboration between NVIDIA and the 6G Flagship.