
ACCORDION – Adaptive EDGE/CLOUD Compute and Network to Support NEXTGEN Applications

–Edge computing is transforming how cloud giants like Google and Microsoft are handling, processing and delivering data from millions of devices around the world. It is reducing the distance between user and server and minimising latency. Compared to cloud computing, edge computing is more ‘democratic’ thanks to its distributed and localised nature. As a consequence, it is estimated that edge computing will play a leading role in coming advanced technology. The EU-funded ACCORDION project considers that by associating edge computing with advanced technologies such as 5G, the EU will be able to capitalise on its local resource and infrastructure and bring benefit to its SMEs. The project settles a practical approach in connecting edge resources and infrastructures to support next-generation applications.

  • Cordis:
  • ID: 871793
  • Project type: RIA
  • Duration: 1 January 2020 – 30 April 2023
  • Our expertise: edge computing, edge, cloud continuum
  • Our role: Partner
  • Contact person: Taleb Tarik