Building global connectivity – wirelessly
Strategic Research Area 1
Wireless Connectivity
Led by Professor Matti Latva-aho, this strategic research area aims to ensure that 6G technology provides increased transmission capabilities, as well as secure and dependable global service delivery, which are pivotal in bridging the existing digital divide.
In this area, we develop new connectivity techniques to accommodate higher spectrum bands towards the THz regime. We also integrate sensing capabilities into the communication systems and create novel connectivity strategies and solutions that work at various frequencies and for the demands of different verticals.
United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals play an important role in driving our research directions, which provide us with an entirely new and unforeseen set of additional requirements for wireless communication.
Wireless Connectivity
Research Themes
Advanced networking technologies
In the upcoming Metaverse world, immersive services with unprecedented requirements for latency, bandwidth, and user interaction are coming. This will require capabilities beyond the current and emerging 5G and 5G advanced network technologies, especially when considering yet emerging vertical use cases in industry automation, vehicular technologies, and healthcare industries.
While the 5G evolution path goes steadily towards 5G advanced and pre-standard 6G, academics should be developing the 6G architecture and devising its technologies. Unlike precedent generations, 6G shall take a revolutionary network design backed by AI-based networking processes and algorithms to meet future service and use case demands.
The envisioned research on “Advanced Networking Technologies,” combined with Cloud Computing, will take 6G from a “network of networks” to a flexibly-deployable “service of services” based on the cloud-edge continuum. We research high-level challenges, including but not limited to, deterministic networking, semantic routing and networking, network compute fabric, computation first networking, and zero-trust autonomous security provisioning. If any of these topics intrigue you, do contact us!

Mika Ylianttila
View bioWireless access technologies
Wireless access research focuses on exploring efficient transmission alternatives for various use scenarios having vastly different requirements operating at frequency bands up to sub-THz region. Higher energy and cost efficiencies are needed to support SDGs. Integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) or joint communications and sensing (JCS) transceivers will be crucial. Due to the highly dynamic radio channel, adaptability to varying conditions must be supported. Thus AI/ML inspired radio interfaces are on our research agenda. For ever increasing demand for capacity, cell free architectures and the latest MIMO techniques are studied along with RIS techniques.

Nandana Rajatheva
View bioMassive wireless automation
The IoT has a significant impact on many aspects of life, industry and society. Every day new use-cases emerge supported by newer devices and communication technologies.
IoT brings connectivity to remote areas, industries, cities, transportation systems, energy grids, e-health, and the human body. In this perspective, we can wirelessly connect devices to machines, massively collect valuable data, and improve the efficiency and sustainability of many processes via dependable connectivity. At the same time, it creates an ecosystem for cooperation, optimized processing and informed decision making.
In the Massive Wireless Automation research, we focus on connectivity solutions for the IoT. It encompasses the massiveness, criticality, trustworthiness, sustainability, and need for cross-domain and tailored solutions for the many IoT use-cases and applications.

Theme leader
Hirley Alves
Publication Highlights
Yanxiang Jiang; Wenlong Huang; Mehdi Bennis; Fu-Chun Zheng
Decentralized Asynchronous Coded Caching Design and Performance Analysis in Fog Radio Access Networks
Jonathan Prados-Garzon; Abdelquoddouss Laghrissi; Miloud Bagaa; Tarik Taleb; Juan M. Lopez-Soler
A Complete LTE Mathematical Framework for the Network Slice Planning of the EPC
Hyesung Kim; Jihong Park; Mehdi Bennis; Seong-Lyun Kim; Mérouane Debbah
Mean-Field Game Theoretic Edge Caching in Ultra-Dense Networks
Anis Elgabli; Ke Liu; Vaneet Aggarwal
Optimized Preference-Aware Multi-Path Video Streaming with Scalable Video Coding
Elgabli, Anis; Elghariani, Ali; Aggarwal, Vaneet; Bell, Mark R.
A Low-Complexity Detection Algorithm for Uplink Massive MIMO Systems Based on Alternating Minimization
Wireless Connectivity
Solutions and Development
Our practical design solutions will include advanced PHY technologies where novel 5G/6G waveforms, air interfaces, transceiver algorithms and channel models are developed.
Examples of these include interference coordination/mitigation mechanisms with different types of multiple-input, multipleoutput (MIMO) multi-antenna transceiver technologies as wellas communications concept with embedded positioning tosolve the lack of accurate indoor positioning.
We will also create new dynamic networking technologies. They will use software-defined networking (SDN), network function virtualization (NFV), and network slicing to provide an agile and dynamic networking platform for supporting multiple virtual networks on-demand on top of shared physical
The developed PHY and networking technologies will be designed with security requirements in mind, as will the associated security measures.
Sample projects
Arctic Mobile Communications Architectures
High-frequency wireless communications
Contact us to learn more on
Wireless Connectivity Research
To learn more about wireless connectivity research, contact a theme leader directly or drop a message to our SRA coordinator.
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6G Flagship research seeks scientific 6G breakthroughs in four interconnected strategic research areas. Learn more about our other strategic research areas.

Strategic Research Area Coordinator