6G Edge
3D Scanner
Vertical applications will set specific requirements for 6G leading to highly customized solutions. This demonstration shows the power of future mobile networks for delivering health services in an effective manner. At the same time, we illustrate how remote monitoring, consultancy and teaching can be done with the same set-up.
Our goals is to highlight the value of this future technology in the health sector with the current state of the art technology while we also tackle current limitations.
In the demonstration the data is collected in a home environment from several devices: a 360 video camera, a close camera which is integrated to augmented reality glasses, and biosensors which are connected to a patient. The gathered data is transmitted real time via, for example, 5G then to the central hospital equipped similarly with a high-quality mobile network. At the hospital, specialists can monitor the sensor data and video via VR glasses, traditional screen or handheld.
E-health is a good example of a vertical which sets very high requirements for the network security, robustness, latencies etc. We explore how can stitch 360 video in real time and delivering it without the currently unavoidable delay. Also the alignment of multiple streams and transmitting a vast amount of data upstream, is not yet feasible with current networks. We want to look beyond these limitations.
This eHealth Demo is part of the 6G Demo Series showcasing 6G Flagship program’s 6G innovation.

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Antti Pauanne
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The 6G Flagship demonstrations showcase program’s 6G innovation in four domains – 6G radio, 6G optical communication, 6G edge and 6G verticals.